The Jackie Green Tribute Fund

Today on what would have been Jackie's 74th Birthday, her husband Dr Peter Green has shared his touching hospice story with us and how his family are keeping Jackie's loving memory alive with their very own Tribute Fund.

“Two days before Jackie passed aTribute fundway (19th December 2019) I discussed with her the idea of setting up ‘The Jackie Green Tribute Fund’. She said it was a brilliant idea and hopefully would raise a few hundred pounds for the hospice and how fantastic it would be if it raised £1000.

Well, 16 months later the Tribute Fund today stands at £10,100. The latest event being our Jackie Green Birthday Prize Draw today on the 29th April which has raised £1,225 so far.


Jackie Green and her family


Myself and the family are amazed that with the help of our friends, old and new, locally and from Rotary and Freemasonry we have been able to raise so much in such a short time. It has been a fantastic journey over these months and we are continuing to take it to 20k.

Why do we do it? That’s simple...the help, support, kindness and consideration Bolton Hospice staff afforded, not only Jackie but, me and the rest of the family during her brief stay, we will never forget. The kindness and support ALL the staff gave us during that time gives me and the family the motivation to continue that support for Bolton Hospice as long as we are able.

Today is a day of great sadness for me but it is tinged with the joy of ‘giving something back’ to help others through similar circumstances."

If you would like more information about setting up a Tribute Fund in memory of your loved one, please click here


Tribute fund