Reports & awards

Care Quality Commission Report

The Care Quality Commission last made an inspection visit to Bolton Hospice in December 2023. The report praises us for our compassionate, inclusive and supportive service, awarding a ‘Good’ rating consistent across all areas of inspection. You can read their full report here.

Impact Report 2022-2023

Our annual Impact Report is a reflection of the past year here at Bolton Hospice, detailing our key achievements and services, quotes from those we have cared for, messages from our Chair and Chief Executive, and more. Click here to read the full interactive report.

Macmillan Quality Environment Mark (MQEM)

Bolton Hospice was the first hospice in the UK to be awarded the Macmillan Quality Environment Mark (MQEM) in January 2018 and retained the award after being reassessed in March 2024. The Macmillan Quality Environment Mark (MQEM) is a detailed quality framework used for assessing whether cancer care environments meet the standards required by people living with cancer. Bolton Hospice received the highest rating possible of ‘excellent’ when they were assessed. Read the latest report here.

Data Security and Protection Toolkit

We are proud to have achieved certification that we meet NHS Digital’s standards, demonstrating that we practice good data security and handle personal information correctly. You can view our certificate here

Heart of the Community Award

Bolton Hospice was awarded the 'Heart of the Community Award' at the 2023 Bolton News Business Awards in recognition of our vital care and support to local families. 

Place Report

In 2023 some of our service users completed a visit to Bolton Hospice under the PLACE initiative - Patient-Led Assessments of the Care Environment.

The assessors look at five key areas of the hospice from a patient's point of view:

  • Cleanliness
  • Food
  • Privacy, dignity & wellbeing
  • Condition, appearance & maintenance
  • Dementia
  • Disability

We we delighted to score highly in the assessment once again, you can view the results here.

Quality Accounts

These accounts are prepared to report on the qualitative aspects of the services and care delivered by Bolton Hospice in compliance with the Health Act 2009.

Click here to read the latest report (2023-2024). The supporting documents within the report can be accessed below:

Annual Safeguarding Report

Education Prospectus

Multidisciplinary Quality Monitoring Calendar

Controlled Drug Accountable Officer's Annual Report 



Provider Visit

Our volunteer trustees recently made an unannounced provider visit to the hospice in compliance with Regulation 26 (Chapter 3) of the Private and Voluntary Healthcare (England) Regulations 2001. You can read the full report and resulting action plan here.

Sign up to Safety

Bolton Hospice has pledged to champion patient safety as part of the Sign up to Safety campaign. Sign up to Safety is a national initiative to help healthcare organisations and their staff achieve their patient safety aspirations and care for their patients in the safest way possible.

The hospice has made pledges under the five Sign up to Safety headings:

1.Putting safety first and committing to reducing avoidable harm.

2.Continually learning to make the organisation more resilient to risks, by acting on feedback from patients and staff.

3.Being honest and transparent about progress to tackle patient safety issues and support staff to be candid with patients and their families if something goes wrong.

4.Collaborating and taking a lead role in supporting local collaborative learning, so improvements are made across all the local services that patients use.

5.Being supportive and helping people understand why things go wrong and how to put them right.

Alongside the organisational pledges made by the hospice, individual teams and members of staff are also making their own pledges to improve safety in the area they work in, from the catering team to fundraising staff. Please click here to access our sign up to safety pack.