Dedicate a Light to Your Loved Ones

This Christmas, we invite you to dedicate a light to honour your loved ones memory. Your loved one’s light symbolizes the enduring light of their memory in our hearts.

The Light up a Life appeal is an opportunity to remember and celebrate the lives of those who are no longer with us. You can dedicate a light in memory of your loved ones and, if you’re able to, please donate to the appeal to help us care for our patients over the festive season.

This year is especially important for the hospice as we stand against the rising cost of living crisis we are facing. With the help of our wonderful community, we will continue to stand by the side of all those who need us in Bolton.

Demand for our specialist care grows each and every year. On Christmas Day alone, it will cost £17,000 to make sure we are delivering this much needed care to patients here at the hospice, and at home.

It’s our pleasure to invite you to dedicate a light on one of our Christmas trees and to join us as we get together to remember all our loved ones who have died, as we welcome you to this year's Light Up a Life appeal.

Dedicate a light

We will be holding two Light Up a Life services during December for everyone who dedicates a light to their loved one this Christmas.

Bolton Hospice service 

6th December


Please be aware the hospice service is an outdoor event, with no seating available

Bolton Parish Church service

13th December



CardWhen you make your dedication we will:

- Send you a personalised card

- Physical copies of the dedication book with the name of your loved one included for anyone who dedicates a light by 17th November. When you donate to the appeal, a copy of the dedication book will be available to collect from the 6th December, either at one of our services, collection from the hospice or, if you require delivery, please contact – 01204 663 055 to arrange delivery (Postage to be paid separately) 

- Print your dedication name in a special edition of the Bolton News*

- Upload your loved ones name to our online dedication page found here:

*if you would like your loved one’s name printing in the Bolton News and dedication book, please make your dedication before 17th November. 


Bolton Hospice doesn’t only provide the exceptional care that so many people rely on, we also help to create precious memories.

Market Place logoMemorial Wall

Throughout the months of November and December come and visit the Light up a Life memorial wall to see your loved ones’ names. It will be situated in the Market Place on the first level in the Debenhams Space.

Let’s remember our loved ones together. Join us and let’s celebrate together this winter.

Your previous support has provided, love and specialist care throughout Bolton to people who need it the most. Please help us continue to provide our wonderful free services to our patients and their families. 


Gift donation

How to get involved:

- By post – please address your donation to Giles House Fundraising, Bolton Hospice, Queens Park Stree, Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QT 

- Online:

- By phone: Contact Courtney in our fundraising department on 01204 663 065 

To keep the memory of a loved one shining each and every year you can set up also set up an annual direct debit. Each year you will automatically receive a card, dedication book and invitation to our live events

To set up, please contact us at or call Courtney using the details above.


As a thank you for donating to our Light up a Life appeal, this year we will be printing physical copies of the dedication book with the name of your loved one included for anyone who dedicated a light by 4th November. When you donate to the appeal, a copy of the dedication book will be available for you to pick up from the hospice or at one of our services in December.

From the entire team at the hospice, we will never forget your continued support. Thank you.

We wish you and your family a peaceful winter season.

John Hall

During the holiday season, many of us gather with our loved ones to celebrate and cherish our time together. However, we understand that not everyone has the joy of having all their loved ones by their side. At this special time of year, we want to extend an invitation to our supporters to come together and honour those who have passed away but will never be forgotten, by donating and dedicating a light on one of our Christmas trees. Our Light Up a Life appeal aims to bring comfort and warmth during this winter season as we remember and pay tribute to our loved ones.

Every year, the Light Up a Life appeal raises vital funds for Bolton Hospice at Christmas. By making a dedication and donation, you will be helping to provide the best Christmas possible for our patients and their loved ones. For some, it is the last Christmas they’ll spend together with their loved ones, so we work tirelessly to ensure it is as memorable as possible for everyone we care for.

John Hall

Spiritual Care and Bereavement Support Lead

How your donation will help

We need your help, now more than ever, to help us support families in Bolton with life-limiting illnesses this Winter.

A donation of £28...

could give the gift of a home cooked Christmas dinner for a patient and their loved one to enjoy together on Christmas Day in the safety and comfort of the hospice.

A donation of £52...

could provide bereavement support sessions to a recently bereaved family member

A donation of £127...

could pay for a hospice at home team visit to a patient in their own home allowing them to spend time around their family and friends at home at Christmas.

We understand that everyone in our community is experiencing financially difficult times, please be assured that any donation is highly valued, no matter how much.