Bolton's Secret Santa

Bolton's secret santa

Will you make a difference this Christmas and become a Secret Santa for Bolton Hospice?

This festive season we're asking you to join us in taking part in Bolton's Secret Santa, a feel-good twist on the popular gift-giving tradition.

With 12 virtual gifts to choose from, all of which will make a huge difference to local people with terminal and life-limiting illnesses, you're guaranteed to get that festive feel-good feeling from whatever you're able to gift! 

Your Secret Santa gift will help us to provide a Christmas filled with treasured memories for the patients and their families at Bolton Hospice, and ensure we remain at the heart of our community for many Christmases to come. 

Give a gift


Your gift could pay for...


Bolton's secret santa£5 -  A Christmas tipple for a patient

£8 -  Relaxing essential oils to help ease symptoms

£14 - Christmas Dinner for patient

£20 - 1 hour of compassionate nursing care

£25 - Memory box-making session for a patient to gift to a loved one

£33 - Christmas Dinner and all the trimmings for a patient and loved one

£52 - Bereavement Support Sessions

£127 - Hospice at Home Visit

£400 - Overnight stay at Bolton Hospice

£1316 - Oxygen throughout festive season

£3700 - Patients' food for a month

£17,000 - Christmas Day at Bolton Hospice


Your Secret Santa gift will help families like Dot's and Natalie's...