Join our Lottery
How does it work?
Each entry costs £2 a week (£8.68 a month) and you can have more than one entry if you want. On receipt of your application, we will allocate you a unique membership number. This number will be entered into every week's draw giving you the chance to win one of 37 cash prizes!
Round up your monthly direct debit of £8.68 to £10 per number per month and make your donation go further with our Keep the Change option. The additional £1.32p will be treated as a donation to Bolton Hospice and can also be gift aided here - making it worth an extra 25% at no cost to you.
The top three prize winners will be contacted directly and will be announced on Bolton FM 96.5 on Fridays and printed in the Bolton News every Saturday. All other winners will receive their winning cheques by post within 7 working days of the draw date.
How do I join?

- Please click here to set up a Direct Debit. Alternatively use the form below to join online and pay by debit card.
- PLEASE NOTE: we cannot accept credit card payments.
- Call us on 01204 663 077 if you want to pay by debit card over the phone.
- You can pay by cheque (minimum payment £20 for 10 weeks entry) made payable to Bolton Hospice Lottery with your application form. When your account gets down to £4 (2 weeks left) we will automatically send you a reminder letter inviting you to renew your membership.
- A number of local employers are signed up to our 'Play as you Earn' scheme, meaning that company employees can have their lottery subscription fees deducted directly from their salary payments. To find out if your employer is a member of the scheme or to sign your company up, email us or call 01204 663 077. Click here to download a Salary Deduction Authority form.
From every £2 lottery entry sold, £1.08p goes directly to Bolton Hospice, 30p goes towards lottery prizes and 62p is spent on lottery administration.
Please note we are currently running a campaign in the local area using a company called SEC Fundraising to raise much needed funds for the hospice.
Our representatives will be in venues around Bolton in an effort to recruit new lottery members to our weekly draw, to help the hospice raise the £4 million needed every year to provide expert care and support to people living with terminal or life-limiting illnesses, and their families.