
Read our latest news and updates from Bolton Hospice. For all media enquiries please contact us on 01204 663 055 or email

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Can your workplace make a difference?

We are asking the Bolton business community to come together and join our Workplace Raise-a-thon doing what you can, anytime from 1st October - 31st December 2021, collectively helping us to raise £36,000 which will pay for inpatient care from one of our beautiful en-suite rooms for 3 months.

Braving the skies for Bolton Hospice!

Kate and Stephen Roe from Roe & Co Residential Sales recently took on a Sky dive to raise an incredible £650 for Bolton Hospice and signed up to support us through our #500faces appeal.

The Old Bank Café Sunday closure

UPDATE 2/9/2021: Thanks to your fantastic response to our request for new volunteers at The Old Bank Cafe, we are now able to open again on Sundays, starting this Sunday 5th September from 11am - 2pm. Thank you so much for all of your support and we can't wait to see you once again on Sundays for coffee, cake & a catch up.

Coronavirus Visitor Update

Updated: 16th August 2021 During the current outbreak of Covid-19 we have had to restrict access to the hospice building for family members and friends of patients on the Inpatient Unit to ensure that our patients, staff and volunteers working within the Hospice are safe. We review our visiting restrictions on a regular basis and adjust them, depending on the national and/or local infection rates and guidance.

Volunteer Emily takes her next steps in nursing

We were delighted to have a visit from one of our previous ward volunteers at the hospice, when Emily Clegg came to have her photo taken standing next to an old promotional banner featuring her as a hospice volunteer!

Coronavirus Visitor Update

Updated: 30th July 2021

During the current outbreak of Covid-19 we have had to restrict access to the hospice building for family members and friends of patients on the Inpatient Unit to ensure that our patients, staff and volunteers working within the Hospice are safe. These will continue to be reviewed on a regular basis and may change depending on the national and/or local infection rate and guidance.

10 Facts about the Bolton Hospice Retail Team

Our Bolton Hospice Retail Team is always looking for new faces to bring different skills and qualities into their team; no matter your circumstances and background there is a volunteer role to suit you.

Share your Bolton Hospice Story

To celebrate our 30th anniversary next year, we are looking for 30 stories from the heart about our hospice from 1992-2022 from patients, families, staff and volunteers. Telling your story helps us raise awareness of what the hospice does.